Food | Words | Community
Hi, I’m Jill.
I've been filling notebooks with stories since first grade. I'm a Minnesotan to my core, lucky to be an alumni of the U of MN, Minnetonka High School and the town of Excelsior. I like to cook a lot and eat even more, and am always eager to share my recipes and experiences in a classroom or on a blog. This space is home for what I love the most, which includes launching six kids into the world, food, gardening and volunteering. Oh, and I’m writing a book.
I write stories about people, projects and brands that make impacts in places that matter. I’ve worked in nonprofit and for-profit sectors, and dabbled a bit with consulting on the side. Local businesses and farms, owned by friends and neighbors, mean the most to me. I like to amplify where I can, connect awesome people to others, and support people who work and lead with heart.
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